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Maoria King posted a condolence
Friday, July 11, 2008
Shelby & Framily, My thoughts & prayers are with you during this very sad time. Gerry was always one of my favorite GRAFT members. I will always remember him as a kind gentle man.
Love Maoria
Janet & George Kukla posted a condolence
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Dear Shelly and Family:
We were not aware of the death of Gerry and are so sorry for your loss. He was a great guy and we shall never forget him.
You are in our thoughts and prayers. We love you.
John&Rhoanna Yasso posted a condolence
Friday, July 4, 2008
We are so sorry about Gerry. He did our farm taxes for many years. We cannot make the memorial service due to 2 graduatin parties the same day but Shelby, our thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family.
Paula & Irv Zwirn posted a condolence
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Shelby- Gerry will live on forever in our memory as one of the finest gentlemen we had the good fortune to know. You also are in our thoughts. We will be out of the country on the 12th or, you know, we would be there to remember his wonderful life.
Paula & Irv
Joe King posted a condolence
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Gerry Love ya man !! Sackets Habor will not be the same without you.Rest in Peace
Franny posted a condolence
Thursday, July 3, 2008
To a sweet man that will be dearly missed but leaves behind many fond memories.
Farewell Speedo!

111 Main Street - Geneseo, NY 14454 - Phone: 585-243-0995 - Fax : 585-243-0984 - rhfhinc@frontiernet.net